The United Houma Nation is holding a Special Election to fill the vacant seats for Tribal Council Districts 6, 9, and 10. Individuals interested in becoming a candidate for one of these vacant seats must qualify as a candidate by 4:00 pm on Monday, February 17, 2025. All candidates must fill out the Candidate Application and submit it with the required documents, which are available HERE.
For a list of candidate qualifications and for information on registering to vote in the Special Election, click HERE.
The UHN Election Board will review all applications and supporting documents to verify eligibility and certify candidates. Candidates will be notified by the Board of their qualification status. All districts with two or more certified eligible candidates will move forward towards the election date of Saturday, April 19, 2025. Other dates regarding absentee voting, polling sites will be made after the qualifying period closes.
For more information, please call the UHN Administrative Offices at (985) 223-3093.