As of March 24, 2020
In light of the Coronavirus Outbreak across the US and the closing of the UHN and other governmental offices in the “shelter in place” order, the UHN Election Board met virtually to consider how best to comply with the UHN Constitution, but also ensure potential candidates are able to qualify given the restrictions of social distancing and isolation in some instances.
Please note THE APRIL 6, 2020 DEADLINE IS FIRM; however, there are some EXCEPTIONS of what is now acceptable in documentation and verification of eligibility to seek the office of UHN Tribal Council.
Although UHN staff is teleworking, they are available to assist potential applicants with meeting the qualification documentation to the extent possible. Please call (985)275-0258 if you need assistance or email [email protected].
- Due to UHN Office closures, tribal voter registration verification will be acceptable in 2 formats – either a copy of the applicants Tribal Voter ID card or a statement from Tribal Administration verifying the candidate’s status.
- If the applicant has not been able to secure a criminal background check due to government office closures, the applicant can reach out to tribal administration to have the Tribe run the background check through the Louisiana State Police online portal. The portal is the same background check used for employees to be approved to work with children, which has a high threshold of screening. The online portal is a screening tool to rule out the need for further fingerprinting measures. If the screening does not rule out a felony background, individuals will be required to submit for fingerprinting to rule out any activity that would exclude them from eligibility to seek candidacy for Tribal Council. The Election Board will allow additional time for individuals that may need to do this step. Any applicant opting for this choice will be responsible for reimbursing the UHN the $26 fee to run the background check and will need to complete the required forms and disclosures granting permission for the background check. All requests and documents for UHN run Background Checks MUST be in by Friday, April 3 to ensure completion of all documents before the deadline.
- Due to UHN Office closures, applicants are unable to physically deliver their completed applications by the deadline. Original completed applications will be accepted as long as they are dated by the deadline of April 6, 2020 and can be sent through US postal service, UPS, Fed Ex or other courier service. Faxed and emailed copies are still not accepted.
To read the full announcement, Click the Official Announcement Link: 2020 General Election Announcement Revised COVID-19.doc
Also any interested applicant can access the original qualifying packet here: Election Qualifying Packet Tribal Council 2020